Jennifer Lopez's Latest Pedicure Makes a Strong Case for Bedazzled Toes
Take a mocha nail polish color, throw sparkling embellishment into the mix, and you'll have yourself a pedicure that's festive yet lavish. Jennifer Lopez quite …
Take a mocha nail polish color, throw sparkling embellishment into the mix, and you'll have yourself a pedicure that's festive yet lavish. Jennifer Lopez quite …
NOTE: This jar has imperfections and is not recommended for retail. These are perfect for testing your candle creations. This is a very strong, thick …
Even Selena Gomez isn't immune to the pink and pastel charms of Barbiecore, summer's biggest fashion trend inspired by the one and only Barbie and …
NSK Ltd. announced that it has expanded the size of its high performance standard NSKHPS Series of large spherical roller bearings for Industrial Machinery. NSK …
DESCRIPTION * Pre-Order 30 Days * A Set of Hanfu: Tank Top + Skirt + Cover-up + Outer Layer + Shawl * Matched Purse Available …
現代租屋族由於家庭、工作、就學等因素,不斷搬家換房,尤其越來越多「北漂族」,在台北買房可說比登天還難,搬家也變成了家常便飯。每次的搬家過程中,家具搬運是一大問題,不但麻煩,運費也是一筆不小的費用,全部買新的家具又太貴、划不來;對房東而言也是,租出去的房子,房客良莠參差不齊,大多的房東不會願意購置全新的家具,二手家具市場就這樣打開大門歡迎大家。二手家具市場裡有各式各樣的家具,儘管都是標榜二手,但你想要幾成新的都找得到。 但由於二手家具市場廣大,又不像全新家具有品質保證,在選購過程中常常讓人踩到「坑」,防不勝防,租租通提醒幾點大家一定要注意,如何避免這些問題: 1.未做封邊處理的不要買 封邊處理的主要目的是要限制有害物質的釋放,近年來由於原材料價格不斷上漲,製造商為了節約原材料、減少成本,有些只採用了局部封邊,這樣家具會對身體造成危害,如果在選購時看到未封邊完全的家具,建議不要購買。 2.家具四腳要平齊牢固 選購家具時一定要放在平地上測試搖晃,若不能與地平齊就不要購買,免得因為結構上的問題,造成日後安全的疑慮。另外,也要注意檢查櫃門有沒有下垂、抽屜的分縫是否過大。 3.板式二手家具貼縫問題 無論是貼木單板、PVC,還是貼油漆紙,都要注意貼皮是否平整,有無鼓包、起泡、拼縫不嚴的現象。挑選時可以用手撥一下邊角,如果一撥就起來,代表它的用膠有問題,這樣的家具最好就不要選了。 4.貨比三家別當肥羊被宰 價格低廉是二手家具的賣點,二手價通常是全新產品價格的3折左右,甚至還有更低者,當然這不是唯一的標準,也要根據品牌、品相、銷售狀況而定。由於市場沒有統一的價格,因此消費者在購買時一定要懂得議價,可先在市場內了解行情,貨比三家不吃虧。 可養寵、可租補、台水台電計費等各種特色房源等你來搜尋 Keyword: 裝潢
Global paints and coatings manufacturer Jotun, one of the major providers of intumescent fire protection coatings for the infrastructure and energy industries, has announced the …
This is a question every writer has once and then. Whenever discussions arise about style and grammar, someone is always going to ask the decisive …
In most cases, if a child learns to love something when they are younger, that love will stay with them as they move into adulthood. …
Time to read: 1 min A few weeks ago we hosted a workshop on the fundamentals of tolerance analysis. In the workshop, we walked a …