Chemshun Training of Public Health & First Aid Knowledge
CChheemmsshhuunn TTrraaiinniinngg ooff PPuubblliicc HHeeaalltthh && FFiirrsstt AAiidd KKnnoowwlleeddggee

Chemshun Training of Public Health & First Aid Knowledge

In October, Chemshun Ceramics Company invited public health & first aid teachers to give lecture to teach staff the first aid treatment in emergency situations, such as heart compression, artificial respiration, and rapid bleeding. At the same time, knowledge about sports and health are also shared to us.


Thanks to the teacher for sharing. This training made Chemshun employees to learn much, they can take the initiative to deal with first aid if they encounter a life-threatening emergency in work and life. In the meantime, we spread this useful knowledge to our relatives and friends. So that more and more people can master the correct first aid method and save more lives.


During COVID-19 pandemic, Chemshun Ceramics  hope everyone is safe and healthy!

Keyword: ceramic balls